


What is it like to live in the post-truth era?


What is it like to live in the post-truth era?

One of the most important problems of contemporaneity is the contradiction between the huge volume of information and the ability to process it for th...

Advancing the decentralization reform through the lens of public utility services


Advancing the decentralization reform through the lens of public utility services

The decentralization reform advances to the extent that local public authorities have sufficient financial resources to carry out their duties in the...

The advancement of the decentralization reform from the perspective of human resources


The advancement of the decentralization reform from the perspective of human resources

Decentralization reform is moving forward as central public local authorities solve systemic problems of local public authorities

The progress of the decentralization reform infographic #1


The progress of the decentralization reform infographic #1

The info graphic presents data on the progress of the decentralization reform through sentinel indicators

The Parliament of the XI legislature


The Parliament of the XI legislature

Following the parliamentary elections of July 11, 2021, the Parliament was elected for the 11th legislature. Details can be viewed on the web portal w...

The value of state subsidies for parliamentary parties in 2021


The value of state subsidies for parliamentary parties in 2021

Political parties will receive more than 42 million 600 thousand lei in the form of subsidies from the state budget in 2021.

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